OK, I’m back. After a few weeks dedicated to my “real” job, it is with great enthusiasm that I return to my “Total Creep” status on a regular basis once again. And with a few changes that I’m sure guys of all ages will enjoy.
As you know, this blog started in conjunction with the release of my Audio Book “Total Creep – A Guy’s Guide” more than 2 years ago. It was an opportunity to encourage and respond to readers/listeners’ questions and experiences, especially about how they successfully used what they learned from the book.
Now, 2 years later, the book did even better financially for me than I expected. Yes, it’s still available (www.TotalCreep.com) , and in fact there are a couple of updated segments I recorded late in 2010. But at this point in time, I’m now doing this blog way more because of how much I enjoy checking out the babes, rather than to encourage book sales. While the responses, mostly from readers/listeners have been enjoyable, for the most part (even from some of the women), it’s time to open things up.
I’ll be posting some updates and thoughts on some of what I see (from checking out babes), some of my updated suggestions, and, of course, responding to questions and posting success stories submitted by guys like you. Whether you have my book or not. In addition, I will do some analysis of attempts which are not successful, including when they happen to me. Even after nearly 40 years of checking out every possible attractive babe, I still have occasion to want to kick myself for a missed opportunity or a wrong move.
I encourage you to comment and to e-mail me with your questions, comments, and successful experiences. As many of you know, I do not publish last names or cities. A “Joe from PA” is the most specific I get. If you prefer I not use any of your comments verbatim, please let me know. It’s just that the more information we have to help each other, the better this will be.
Keep in mind that I use my best judgment to protect specific locations so it doesn’t ruin it for other guys. One example took place a few months ago when a fellow total creep told us about a beach location where he could be up on a hill hiding between some trees and see the area where the babes can shower. Thinking they were protected from view by the wooded area behind and above them, he was (and more importantly, still is) able to watch some babes change out of their tops and sometimes bottoms.
While I’m sure every straight guy within 100 miles of that location would love to know exactly where that is, we obviously can’t post it on here, and we don’t want a group of guys seen going up on that hill, or that opportunity would be over. What I did was post some ideas about how the guy found the location and how he managed to keep hidden from view. (At least as of his last “report”.) He still likes to e-mail me about some of what he sees, and how a few of the babes probably wouldn’t care if they knew he was watching them. I’m probably going to publish more about that in the weeks to come, but not the exact location. In this case, I have given “Jerry” some tips he has found helpful, and in return I am now aware of the specific location and have scheduled to visit there during June when I know the weather will be warm enough to have a lot of babes around.
Of course, your “experiences” are not limited to the beaches, the malls, the schools, and other public places. I enjoy the success stories of “the babe across the street 2 floors down who leaves her bedroom blinds open at night” and sneak peeks in private places.
More to come. It’s great to be back!